In the event of a performance cancellation of the basis of a force majeure, the customer will be refunded the ticket price.

Hinweis: Bitte die mit * gekennzeichneten Felder ausfüllen.


Discounted Tickets for members of the following institutions

Freunde der Sommerkonzerte 10%

Verein Klimt am Attersee 10%

Tourismusverein Steinbach 10%

Internationale Gustav Mahler Gesellschaft 10%

Discounts only apply to the personal ticket of the member.


Discounted Tickets

Children and young adults below the age of 16 can visit the events free of charge provided they are accompanied by a full paying adult.

Tickets for students below the age of 26 get a reduction of 50% (student card) 

These discounts cannot be combined. Events of festivalpartners are excluded from discounts.

After receiving your money-transfer the ordered tickets are deposited for you at the box-office. 

Ticket price per person.

The box office at the concert locations open one hour before the performance begins.

Admission 30min before beginning, free seating.


Payment-receiver: ARGE Gustav Mahler Festival Steinbach

IBAN: AT61 3436 3000 0112 2555


Permission for use of photos / close-ups

As part of this event, photographs and / or films can be created by or on behalf of the ARGE Gustav Mahler Steinbach. By registering for the event, I acknowledge that photographs and video materials on which I am depicted are used for press coverage and are published in various (social) media, publications and on the website www.mahler-steinbach.at.


Partner Hotels:

Hotel Föttinger


Hotel Bramosen
